Buongiorno fashioniste!
Questi fine settimana passano davvero in fretta, mentre i giorni all'università sono lentissimi..non capisco il perchè!:(
Comunque sia,ieri mattina sono stata a fare una passeggiata rilassante al parco
della mia città.
Devo dire che era da molto tempo che non ci andavo,perchè molto spesso si tende a snobbare e screditare ciò che di bello si ha nella propria città solo perchè è una piccola città del sud e poco "famosa".
Ma mi sono rilassata molto a camminare in mezzo alla natura,visto anche il clima praticamente quasi estivo.
Ho indossato un outfit casual,con le mie adorate slipers che ancora però mi fanno tanto male!:(
Vi lascio agli scatti,spero vi piacciano..
Hello Fashionistas!
This weekend pass very quickly, as the days are slow to college .. I do not understand why!: (
However, yesterday morning I went to take a relaxing walk in the park
in my city.
To say it was a long time since I did not go, because very often we tend to snub and discredit the beauty that you have in your own city just because it is a small city in the south and not "famous".
But I was very relaxed walking in nature, given the climate practically summer.
I wore a casual outfit, with my beloved slipers that even though they make me so bad!: (
I leave the shoot, I hope you enjoy them.
This weekend pass very quickly, as the days are slow to college .. I do not understand why!: (
However, yesterday morning I went to take a relaxing walk in the park
in my city.
To say it was a long time since I did not go, because very often we tend to snub and discredit the beauty that you have in your own city just because it is a small city in the south and not "famous".
But I was very relaxed walking in nature, given the climate practically summer.
I wore a casual outfit, with my beloved slipers that even though they make me so bad!: (
I leave the shoot, I hope you enjoy them.
- Tshirt:Monsieur stive
- Jeans:H&m
- Denim shirt:Terranova
- Slipers:Sacha
- Bag:Bershka