Ciao miei cari lettori;)
ITFB ovvero Italian fashion blogger in occasione di un evento milanese( in concomitanza con la Milano fashion week,da una grandissima opportunità:quella di potervi partecipare come fashion blogger ed essere seguita per una settimana.
Una grandissima occasione per essere più conosciuti ma soprattutto, per chi come me un giorno vorrebbe poter lavorare in questo campo,di cominciare a muovere i primi passi.
Ora tutto quello che occore fare per potervi partecipare è:prima di tutto secondo
me TANTISSIMA fortuna, poi inviare la propria candidatura scrivendo un post
a piacere.A questo proposito ho deciso di non scrivere la solita "biografia" della mia vita e delle mie passioni,primo un pò per scaramanzia,per fare qualcosa di diverso e soprattutto perchè secondo me,anche se il potere della scrittura è enorme, non occorre scrivere un post per essere scelti,ma secondo me dovrebbe essere analizzato un pò tutto il blog per capire se "ne vale la pena o no".Comunque sia ho deciso di "concorrere" lasciandovi qualche foto che possa un pò esprimere qualcosa di me.
Ps:Ci tengo a precisare che partecipare ad un evento del genere per me sarebbe davvero una "piccola" soddisfazione personale,un sogno che ormai è cresciuto con me che mi porto dietro e che vorrei realizzare.
Incrociamo le dita!
Hello my dear readers;)
ITFB or Italian fashion blogger at an event in Milan in conjunction with the Milan fashion week, a great opportunity: to be able to participate as a fashion blogger and be followed for a week.
A great opportunity to be more popular but more importantly, for people like me who would like to one day be able to work in this field, to begin to take its first steps.
Now all you have to do to be able to participate is: first of all second
me a lot of luck, then send your application by writing a post.A to do this I decided not to write the usual "biography" of my life and of my passions, first some for good luck, to do something different and mostly because in my opinion, even if the power of writing is enormous, do not need to write a post to be chosen, but I think it should be looked at a little all over the blog to see if "it's worth it or not." Anyway, I decided to "compete" leaving some pictures that might give a little something I.
Ps: I want to clarify that participate in an event like that for me would really be a "small" personal satisfaction, a dream that has now grown in me that I carry around and I would like to achieve.
Fingers crossed!
ITFB or Italian fashion blogger at an event in Milan in conjunction with the Milan fashion week, a great opportunity: to be able to participate as a fashion blogger and be followed for a week.
A great opportunity to be more popular but more importantly, for people like me who would like to one day be able to work in this field, to begin to take its first steps.
Now all you have to do to be able to participate is: first of all second
me a lot of luck, then send your application by writing a post.A to do this I decided not to write the usual "biography" of my life and of my passions, first some for good luck, to do something different and mostly because in my opinion, even if the power of writing is enormous, do not need to write a post to be chosen, but I think it should be looked at a little all over the blog to see if "it's worth it or not." Anyway, I decided to "compete" leaving some pictures that might give a little something I.
Ps: I want to clarify that participate in an event like that for me would really be a "small" personal satisfaction, a dream that has now grown in me that I carry around and I would like to achieve.
Fingers crossed!
Che carino il tuo blog, ti ho appena scoperta e mi piace il tuo stile, se ti va possiamo seguirci a vicenda.
RispondiEliminaxoxo M
Certo che mi va...passo da te ;) grazie.
RispondiEliminabaci Dalila